About our Community 


*The photograph of an event


e-Mail Call Book on the Web <LPRCB>

お友達と他の研究者のWeb Page/Weblog

WEB PAGE of a person doing the same study in Japan
呼出名称 Call Name 研究内容 A study theme

Public BBS

トランシーバごっこ 特定小電力無線掲示板 The Radio  transmission of SLPR422 & BBS
CITIZENet (Group)


The Radio  transmission of CB, SLPR422 & BBS
CB無線は永久に不滅なのだ The BBS about Domestic-CB,SLPR422 in the Yahoo Japan.
UHF−CB(特定小電力無線) The BBS about Domestic-CB,SLPR422
PMR446 Forum BBS for PMR446user in UK
香港業餘無線電論壇/FRS 409 專區 BBS for Short Range Portable Radios (SRPR) Users in Hong Kong
27Mc 市民波段專區 BBS CB users in Hong Kong
27MHZ CB電台倶樂部 BBS CB users in Taiwan

Personal Website & Weblog

ふくおか8774 Fukuoka 8774


Feeder system with Internet of Specified Low Power Radio
ミヤギAA966 Miyagi AA966 CB&特定小電力の実験 Experiment about CB and Specified Low Power Radio
こうべAA140 Kobe AA140


System of CB & Specified Low Power Radio
えひめCA34 Ehime CA34 CB無線機および電波伝播 The radio wave transmission of CB & CB radio system
フクオカYO508 Fukuoka YO508 CB,特定小電力,パーソナル無線 System of CB, Specified Low Power Radio and Personal Radio
ヒロシマZK52 Hiroshima ZK52 CB無線機および電波伝播 The radio wave transmission of CB & CB radio system
つくばA3/つくばF3 Tsukuba A3/F3 CB&特定小電力の電波伝播 The radio wave transmission of CB & Specified Low Power Radio
おおたNK35 Ohta NK35 CBerの情報交換 The information exchange between CBer
さいたまHA528 Saitama HA528 CB&特定小電力のシステム System of CB & Specified Low Power Radio
おおさかAR65 Osaka AR65 CB,特定小電力,パーソナル無線 System of CB, Specified Low Power Radio and Personal Radio
さがみはら360 Sagamihara 360 HAM & 特定小電力 System of Specified Low Power Radio & HAM
とうきょうAZ808 Tokyo AZ808 CB&特定小電力の実験 Experiment about CB and Specific Low Power Radio
トウキョウAA909 Tokyo AA909 CB&特定小電力の実験 Experiment about CB and Specific Low Power Radio


Tokyo BA39 CB&特定小電力の実験 Experiment about CB and Specific Low Power Radio
マエバシHS75 Maebashi HS75 CB,特定小電力,アマチュア無線 Experiment about CB, Specified Low Power Radio & HAM
カナガワJJ481 Kanagawa JJ481 日本のCB制度の紹介、局名録 The introduction of Japanese legal CB
きょうとBB3 Kyoto BB3 CB,特定小電力,アマチュア無線 Experiment about CB, Specified Low Power Radio & HAM
竹田科学研究所 Takeda's Science Research Institute 鉱物研究と微弱電波の実験 A mineral study and an experiment of Low Power Radio
とうきょうMG59 Tokyo MG59 HAM & 特定小電力 System of Specified Low Power Radio & HAM
イワテB73/2 Iwate B73/2 CB,特定小電力,パーソナル無線 System of CB, Specified Low Power Radio and Personal Radio
コクブンジAA0101 KokubunjiAA0101 CB&特定小電力の実験 Experiment about CB and Specific Low Power Radio
キクチラヂヲ堂 Kikuchi Radio-DO ラヂヲの楽しみを追求するサイト The site that pursues pleasure of radio
さっぽろYS450 SpporoYS450 フリーライセンスラジオ全般 The whole about license-free radio


 CHIYODA Radio 特定小電力とレピータの実験 Experiment about Repeater of Specified Low Power Radio.

Weblog with Voice and Sound

ふくおか8774 Fukuoka 8774 The TalkShow  The technique lecture of SLPR422 with voice & sound
むさしのW0960 MusashishinoWO960 The Citizen Band Radio Introduction of a CB Radio-related topic
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